Six Goals That Data Governance Tools Can Help Achieve

Most business enterprises these days are heavily driven by big data. Data has become a crucial component to have smooth business operations. Therefore, a business must enhance the quality of their data for enhanced efficiency. As much important it is to enhance the quality of data, it is also important to determine what, who and how? What situations require data cleansing? Who will oversee managing and cleaning the data? And how this data cleansing will take place? And that’s where data governance comes into play. Data governance is defined as the collection of standards, policies, roles, and processes that determine the efficient use of information to enhance business operations. This can be achieved through efficient data governance tools . A data governance tool must help your organization achieve the following: • The tool must help you to improve the quality of data by cleansing, validating, and enriching. • The tool must be able to discover and profile information. For example, th...